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If you haven't already done so, please click on THE EVIDENCE page to verify that indisputable evidence in the attached court document exhibits, and then ask yourself whether you (a) can remain silent; or (b) GET INVOLVED by joining us in speaking out with action against this evil perpetrated by these corrupt federal judges not only against myself but the American people as well as the sacred integrity of the entire federal judiciary which will remain impugned unless both former Magistrate Setser and Judge Brooks are held accountable for their criminal judicial misconduct.

Although Magistrate Setser is retired now, Judge Brooks should be impeached by Congress to be removed from office if he refuses to resign. Further, both judges should be criminally prosecuted unless the statute of limitations would now prevent prosecuting them. There is no statute of limitations for FRAUD ON THE COURT to re-open my criminal case which should apply as well to prosecute judges for the same. Magistrate Setser could still be impeached also to prevent her from ever seeking office again just as former President Trump was impeached the second time even after he was no longer in office.

Not once, and not twice, but three times Judge Brooks intentionally ignored the undisputed evidence in the court record which proves that Magistrate Setser PERPETRATED CRIMINAL JUDICIAL FRAUD ON THE COURT leaving no doubts whatsoever that Judge Brooks was a party to this malicious scheme and artifice to subvert the administration of justice that I am legally entitled to and long overdue for. This is not how the justice system is supposed to work in our great country.

What worse judicial misconduct could federal judges be guilty of perpetrating than to knowingly and intentionally use materially false statements in criminal judicial proceedings to maliciously subvert the administration of justice when an innocent defendant's freedom is at stake being controlled and manipulated by those same evil-minded crooked judges which is the "CARDINAL SIN" of federal judges???

"Fairness is what justice really is." - Honorable Potter Stewart (1915 - 1985), former U.S. Supreme Court Justice who was a major contributor to criminal justice reform and access to the courts.

Why would two supposedly honest, fair, and impartial federal judges commit such egregious criminal judicial misconduct when both took sworn oaths, BEFORE  GOD, to rule honestly, fairly, and impartially to all persons???

Their motives were to protect one of their own brethren from my provable claims of judicial error and judicial misconduct in my habeas petition against former dishonorable Chief Judge Jimm Larry Hendren (who was the original judge presiding over my case) and retaliation against me for suing Judge Hendren. There were no other logical reasons for Magistrate Setser and Judge Brooks to have jeopardized their own judicial careers. Both judges owed their loyalty to Judge Hendren because he was the one responsible for the ascension of each to prestigious federal judgeships.

Magistrate Setser was Judge Hendren's dedicated law clerk for several years prior to him rewarding her with an appointment to a newly created federal magistrate judgeship in 2009 in the Fayetteville division of the Western District of Arkansas. Judge Brooks, who had no prior judicial experience in his legal background, was appointed in 2013 to replace Judge Hendren when he semi-retired taking what is known as senior status.

If you doubt the motives of these dishonorable federal judges, then contact Judge Brooks at his public court email address,, and question him why he conspired with Magistrate Setser to commit such an egregious and evil judicial act of malfeasance??? They cannot deny what they did because their own court record, which cannot lie, is the uncontroverted evidence proving them guilty of PERPETRATING CRIMINAL JUDICIAL FRAUD ON THE  COURT both should be prosecuted for and Judge Brooks should be impeached by Congress to remove him from office.

"All citizens are guaranteed equal justice under the law by the Constitution."  - Honorable Thurgood Marshall (1909 - 1993), former U.S. Supreme Court Justice and civil rights activist. The American people deserve and demand nothing less from our federal judges than what they took sworn oaths, BEFORE GOD, to uphold. If they can't honor those sacred oaths, then they should resign. 

"As a public official, if I am ever unable to fulfill my oath and obey the law, then I should resign." - Honorable William H. Pryor, Jr., "MORAL DUTY AND THE RULE OF LAW" published in the Harvard Law Journal 31 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 153, 166.



Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.C. - 43 B.C.) Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, and philosopher. Ergo, Magistrate Setser and Judge Brooks are "necessarily unjust and wicked."  


Undoubtedly, the Honorable Thurgood Marshall would literally roll over in his grave if he knew  these two dishonorable judges had maliciously denied any citizen that "guaranteed equal justice under the law by the Constitution."  If you believe in those truths and principles upon which our Constitution was founded, then justice demands for you to GET INVOLVED because silence is not an option.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) German protestant theologian executed for involvement in plot to overthrow Hitler.


Please contact me or Attorney Klebanoff to JOIN THE TEAM. You can also get involved and show your support by referring this website to all of your family, friends, and other social media contacts, and ask them to do the same.

I would further ask of you to contact your United States representative in Congress referring him/her to this website and urge them to start an investigation into the criminal judicial misconduct by Magistrate Setser and Judge Brooks. The House of Representatives is responsible for initiating impeachment proceedings against federal judges. If you do not know who your representative in Congress is, let me know and I will tell you. Thank you for your interest and time which we know is valuable.

Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), one of our founding fathers and authors of the Declaration of Independence.

 "Get Involved - Join Us"